Unicornland is an 8-episode webseries about Annie, who explores her sexuality post-divorce by dating couples. Created, written and produced by Lucy Gillespie, Unicornland was directed by Nick Leavens, and features the acting talents of Laura Ramadei (Host, Girls on Porn), Nana Mensah (The Diplomat, The Chair), Filipe Valle Costa (Snowfall), and Gregg Mozgala (The Cost of Living).

“Unlike the title may suggest, Unicornland is not a fantastical fairytale--in fact, it's a deeply realistic and empathetic portrayal of life post-divorce.”

— Out.com

“The dramatic appeal of multi-partner relationships seems self-evident. But Lucy Gillespie takes them as seriously as other subjects she's investigated, such as Occupy Wall Street and Lee Atwater.”

— NPR’s All Things Considered

“I’d make my 20-year-old self watch the web series Unicornland, which is funny and weird and handles sex and consent and nonmonogamy better than almost any other show I’ve seen.”

Glamour Magazine

“What makes Unicornland particularly astonishing is that it makes no attempt to explain or excuse polyamory or fetishes, but instead places Annie as one might in a story about an adventurer visiting a new country.”

Huffington Post


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